Monday 27 April 2015


So basically this week we covered the chapter of human microbiome. it is an interesting topic to learn. I never knew that Staphylococcus infection can cause serious effect to human especially to the infants.

Here I attached one video on how to treat the MRSA naturally at home.

Besides, the thing the thing that I learnt from this week in never underestimate the "POWER OF THE BACTERIA".
Sometimes it can give out good effect to us also. but one must watch out the bad/nasty bacteria.

There is an interesting article that i want to share it here. FAT  CELLS CAN HELP PROTECT AGAINST INFECTIONS.

Friday 24 April 2015


HOLLAAAA.. we meet again after the mid sem break holiday.
From this week, i was very impressed with my fellow coursemates on how the using the e-learning to do the flipped classroom.
They used many tools to do the voice over, slideshows even quizzes.

During last class for this week, i had been assigned to do quiz regarding the chapter of human microbiome.

Besides, after we discussed the topic in the class, we asked by the lecturer to write the summary on the padlet. well, i guess it is a great tools also for us to se. Padlet seem convenient and user-friendly for my opinion.

That's all i want to share for this week. and i have high expectation for other group  who will presented their work next week.

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD....i want to share my thinglink here. for me it was a great and interactive tool to study efficiently but i saw that the thinglink still need to upgrade its system. it does not have undo button. anddd guess what i need to redo everything because of that. anyway, i managed to finished it though.


Thursday 9 April 2015


Yes it is a last week before mid semester holiday.
For this week, my group has been prepared the material for the topic of Hydrosphere.
From my understanding, Hydrosphere consists of two types :
  • Freshwater environment
  • Marine environment

In the freshwater environment there are two system involved:

  • Free running system (Rivers, Stream)
  • Free standing system (Ponds,Lakes)
In  the marine environment is the open ocean which included salt marshes and estuaries

In this chapter also, I have learnt about microbial loop.

Microbial loop is a depiction of the microbial food web. The pathway start with dissolved organic matter (DOM) which makes its way through various trophic levels ultimately to the highest trophic levels


Wednesday 8 April 2015


Wood Decay Fungi is often not considered a serious pest of timber, but it can become such a severe problem that structural integrity is affected. Fungi occuring on wood are epigean.
Decay fungi destroy the tree's internal supportive or structural components its cellulose and hemicellulose and sometimes its lignin. Decay isn't visible on the outside of the tree, except where the bark has been cut or injured, when a cavity is present, or when the rot fungi produce reproductive structures. 
Wood decay makes trees hazardous, because trunks and limbs become unable to support their own weight and can fall, especially when stressed by wind, heavy rain, or other conditions. 
Most of wood decay fungi came from basiomycota. Basidiophores are exogenous spores.

Wood decay fungi have four basic requirements for growth:

  •  Oxygen
  •  Water
  •  Suitable Temperature
  • Food Source - the timber

Wood Decaying Fungi consists of two types:
 White rot fungi
Wood attacked by a white rot looks completely different to attack by a brown rot: The wood takes on a 'fibrous appearance and tends to go slightly lighter in color ( this may not be too noticeable). There is no cuboidal cracking as in the brown rots. Tend to be more common in hardwood

Brown rot fungi
Brown rots cause the wood to crack in a cuboidal manner; the wood also goes slightly darker in color. The 'cubes' may vary in size depending on the wood and conditions, but they are generally very visible and distinct especially as the wood dries.

Fungi is lack of chlorophyll. Thus it can undergo photosynthesis. Due to that it feeds off of the cells from the woods.
The process involved in the decaying of the wood is breaking down complex chemical compound (Cellulose and Lignin)

Soft Rot Fungi