Friday 13 March 2015


DATE : 13TH MARCH 2015

In this topic which is the ‘Microbial Groups’ has several objectives to be achieved. Firstly, we need to identify the range of microorganisms. Then, we need to list down the microbial groups. lastly, we need to differentiate the ecological aspects of the microbial group.
Basically, there are 3 major forms of life which are eucaryote, prokaryote (Bacteria) and viruses.
Eucaryotes :
- fungus
- slime/water molds
- algae
- protozoa

The activity that I had done before the class start was I made a simple note about this topic. Besides, me and my group create a beautiful mind map by using the popplet. It was the first time I did the mind map by using the popplet. It's really a good activity for me because it challenged as I had to make the mind map based on my understanding.

Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best part. We did a very fun activity called an online quiz by using Kahoot. Trust me, it is the best activity. And I think that it is a good tool for revision.

And dont forget to mention, I did a terminology based on this topic (50 terms all of it). besides, I did a simple test on the Quizlet. hahha.. it's kinda hard for me, but it was a good activity as  it challenged me whether I have an understanding about this topic or not. 

And from this week lecture I thing that hits me the most is about critical thinking. As a microbiology student critical thinking is a thing that one should develop.

Oh YA, there is a fun fact about what I learnt today, which was about watermelon snow.

There is an interesting article i read in science daily.the title of the article is
 Earth microbes may contaminate the search for life on Mars. 

It is about a bacteria common to spacecraft may be able to survive the harsh environment of Mars long enough to inadvertently contaminate Mars with terrestrial life

1 comment:

  1. next time, you are the one that should conduct the kahoot! haha
